Monday, March 31, 2008

Pencil tests

When I start a new film, it often begins with a strong image in my mind. I may not even have a story or a full picture of characters developed, but I can see in my mind's eye a particular scene that will end up in the film. These end up being the cornerstones of the plot and I build around them. The particular challenge is that usually these images are so strong and well-developed they become intimidating! I am never sure if I will be able to do them justice with pencil and paper. This particular scene has been bouncing around for a while. Amazingly, I think I managed to get pretty close! It's been a while since I've done straight-up classical character animation, so I'm pretty excited I'm not as rusty as I thought.


Jeannie said...

Great work Corrie!

Unknown said...

It makes me think of Swiss apartment buildings a little bit, and what happens when an expat moves in. :) Saw so many shoene hunde on the hike today.